Monday, December 27, 2010
I went today to get my first session of hypnosis and NLP (neuro linguistic programming) after much consideration and thought.  I have looked into hypnotherapy a couple of times, starting about two years ago.  What better time to do it than when things are at the most overwhelming and I have had so many things that I am working to overcome within the last year of chaos and upset.  

I didn't know what to expect and was a little skeptical but I have trust with the person that I was going to and know that she also knows my situation.  I have a level of trust with her that she would not use me to do something that was not effective, just to make some money.  She wouldn't use me that way.

So I went to her office, went through the motions of idenitfying some of the things I am dealing with and talking about some of the dreams that I have feel have been stifled by the current chain of events that have been 2010.  I sat in her special chair, allowed her to take me into trance and work some magic.  Magic is what it truly is and I had several experiences that I still cannot describe or wrap my head around yet.  I know that I had several interesting experiences, one of which connected me to my mother and felt very rewarding.  One of the many times she "dunked" me under, I went to my place of healing and it is this very comfortable place where I was sitting on a white bench on green grass with flowers all around.  There were no buildings or additional distractions, just greenery, flowers and lots of open blue sky.  I went to this place in one of my times of going under but it was the next time that was really significant.

When I went under the next time and she took me to this place, she asked me to describe my healing place and I did.  She asked me if there were any animals and of course there was not.  She then asked me if there were any trees and I remember telling her "there were not until you asked me that".  When she asked me, a tall and beautiful redwood tree sprang up by my bench and brought me to tears while under hypnosis.  For those who do not know, my mother loved redwood trees.  The first time we went to the redwoods together at Muir Woods, she feel in love with the beauty and serenity of the redwood forests.  It was something we shared together.

We went together again and she bought things to remind her of the trees including incense, oils and even bookmarks.  The redwoods represent her to me so when the tree came up, there was no doubt to me that it was her in my healing place.  On the next time under hypnosis, she was there again and when it was time for me to listen for her messages, a thick fog came over me and I was not able to see the healing place clearly.  The fog would come and go, giving me small glimpses of my special place, and giving me a clear message that I have been living in a fog that has blocked me from seeing what I need to see.  The hypnotherapist told me afterwards that most people don't know they are walking in a fog, so this was progress for me to see exactly what is happening in my life and bringing it to my conscious mind.

I walked out of this session feeling strangely lighter and clearer than I have in a long while.  Although I don't know all the ways that this will begin to effect my life, I know that it was one of the best things I could have done to give me a chance to clear the path for growth, clear the fog I have been living in, bring me closer to healing and to my mother and start again with manifesting my desires.  

I am very excited to go to the next session and continue on this new found path.  I don't know all the places that it will lead but I know it is going to help bring me back to me and to who I want to be.  Thank you to my new hypnotherapist for knowing that I had secrets to unlock that will lead me back to success and for making it possible in many ways.  

I will keep everyone posted on these developments as they unfold and as I grow closer to beauty.
Blessed Be

Saturday, December 25, 2010
I am not a huge around the thought of new years resolutions and wanting to be something different at the beginning of the year.  I have the usual thought that people use that one point in the year to be different than they are instead of working all year at making necessary changes.  This year I have the same beliefs and do not feel that I need the new year in order to make some decisions about myself.  Instead I would like to enter the new year of 2011 with a clean slate, leaving behind some of the things from 2010 that it is time to release and move beyond.  

Often people carry around the baggage that accumulates from events and carry them around everyday, weighing them down and tiring them out.  This is something we talk about in rehab counseling all the time, finding a way to identify old baggage and then giving yourself permission to let it go.  This is something I am very familiar with, not just from saying it to others but from living this in my personal life.  I have always had the type of personality that thinks about things until I have processed it and then am able to start the process of release.  This is not a pattern that I developed this year, but one that I have had for as long as I can remember.  

So moving into 2011 is very important to me because it is another step towards the releasing of multiple layers of grief throughout the year and making a decision to not take it with me.  That is very scary because it means that I am stepping into another unknown layer of my life. I know that the multiple stages of grief are not done and that is not something that can be controlled in that way but it does mean that I starting fresh knowing that the last year is taking me towards something I might not understand but a knowing that something is coming.  By releasing I am opening myself to new experiences, new people and new opportunities to love and find love in the world.

As with Iyanla Vanzant's book In the Meantime, not all things or all people are meant to last in your life.  These things are but stepping stones to different levels of living, whether the experience is good or bad.  "When you are not happy where you are, and you are not quite sure if you want to leave or how to leave, you are in the meantime.  Its a state of limbo.  You are hanging on, ready to let go, afraid to fall, not wanting to hurt yourself, afraid you will hurt someone else.  In the meantime, you pray the other person will let go first so that you will not feel guilty." - Iyalna Vanzant -  In the Meantime.

I think that quote says it all.  I know what my mom would want from me.  She would want me to stay solid in who I am and in being proud of that.  She would want me to be the best mother I can possibly be.  She would tell me to love myself and say fuck it to those who are not with me.  She would tell me to focus on being happy and whole, not allowing life or anyone to get me down.  

So it is not a new years resolution, something I start on a day and then don't follow through with, like so many others.  It is a reminder that the next phase has begun and the rest is now the past.... one of purpose and lessons but one that is now gone away.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I am excited for the end of 2009.  I look back at this year and see total overhaul from the previous year and all the goals I set for myself were suddenly changed.  While most of my goals last year revolved around completing my book and finding success in that accomplishment, at the end of 2010 most of my goals revolve around finding some level of peace and serenity.  The addition of two children and the loss of my mom has changed life as I know it and the family is finding ways to settle into the new course we have been set on.

I never considered life without my mom, it was the unimaginable task and yet today I find I am living it.  Although it doesn't feel real at times, I know that I am going through the stages of loss and contemplating who I am without her now.  I remember saying to one of my therapist friends at work that I wanted to go back to being who I use to be and he told me something that was told to him by a therapist when he was dealing with grief.  He told me that I was not that person anymore because that person had a mother.  I know what that means today.

So, I have survived one of the most rewarding and horrific years of my life.  I have written, completed and saw my book be published; a dream I have had for a long time.  And I have also suffered a loss that was so heartbreaking and traumatizing for everyone in my family.  As I move into 2011 I am working hard to hold on to all those things I love about this year and allow the universe to cleanse the rest.  I hold on hard to the memory of my mother as well, the good ones, the ones she would want me to remember and not the images that I saw from the last two weeks of her life.

Maybe if I can do this then I can pull the rest of the family along to a place of healing that continues into 2011.  That is the plan and the goal.

As the growing light of the sun creeps into longer days, it is the reminder that darkness and light exist because of each other.  One does not exist without the other.  So I will use the darkness to shed light on how grateful I am for the many blessings that I have and for the ones that have not come yet.

Blessed Yule, Solstice and New Years to everyone.  May your dark times shed a beautiful light that illuminates everything that is wonderful in the world.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Today's Thanksgiving and this is a huge day for the family.  We have not yet figured out how this is going to work for us but we know that today would've been the day that we celebrated with my mom and the whole family, like we had every other year.

John and I have been working on trying to figure out recipes for Thanksgiving dinner, since my mom was the one who usually did the turkey and the dressing and the greens. Although the mood is a little sad, we are actually doing okay. I know that today my mom is with us and she would want us to have fun.

Today I am choosing to be thankful, to celebrate those things and traditions that we have is a family, and gaining excitement for some of the new traditions we have yet to create.

Here's to wishing everybody a joyous Thanksgiving day. May you be blessed on the day with creating new memories with your family and celebrating those from the old.

Blessed be.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Interfaith Center of the Presidio


A gathering of peoples who practice Neopagan traditions, Afro-diasporic traditions, immigrant Pagan traditions, and Indigenous spiritual traditions from the Americas and around the world.

Keynote speaker Alejandrino Quispe Mejia is a native Quechua living in Peru.  He is Director of the Global Indigenous Initiative, an association of 14 tribes in Latin America working together to preserve native traditions. In addition to being a wonderful opportunity for building relationships between all the Earth religions, the event will include a sharing of practices used in the many traditions to bless a space.

Lunch provided, $10-20 donation requested to cover costs. Co-sponsored by the Interfaith Center of the Presidio, the Lost & Endangered Religions Project, the Spirituality & the Earth CC of the United Religions Initiative, and the Northern California Local Council of the Covenant of the Goddess.  For more information & to register, contact Don at or (510) 524-2078.

Saturday, October 30, 2010
The title is a direct reflection of the ups and downs of the past week.  While some things are wonderful, some things are hard and those things take a toll. I got the copies of my book this week that that was very exciting!  It is a trip to see your own book in its physical form, hold it and fan through the pages.  It feels like it became real when i got to hold the book, even though it still doesn't totally feel real.  I don't know when it will feel totally real but maybe it shouldn't feel too real, it will motivate me to continue to write.  

Samhain was wonderful!  I had a great time with the sisters of the coven.  we had a wonderful meal (compliments of my hubbie), we had a great ritual and genuinely spent some quality time together.  Jon put together the bonfire and we had a live fire on the patio and circled around that.  We had a really good (homemade) vegetarian spaghetti with whole wheat noodles, tri-tip, garlic bread, brownies, pumpkin/chocolate chip muffins, witch hat cakes, Kat's homemade pumpkin juice and apple pomergranite sparkling cider.Yum!!

My mother's message to me tonight was around me turning into her and I feel like I am.  I am sewing, doing lots of crafts, cleaning, cooking and being super mom.  She mentioned (in her message tonight) that I would not be able to do her fried chicken though.  Thanks Mom!  

I miss her so much.  Tomorrow is her birthday and I am trying to stay in the present moment and not allow my grief to run too much.  She would want me to celebrate and not sit around sad on her bday.  So we have lots of things planned, fun to be had and I will honor her tomorrow.  I know she is alright, I felt it in ritual tonight.  I may not understand why she had to go, especially like she did, but I will continue to live as she would have wanted me to.  

May your Samhain blessings be plentiful and may your witchy new year be full of promise, insight, happiness and hope.
Blessed Samhain,
Blessed Be.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The book is listed on the website and appears to be ready to order. This is an exciting moment for me and I am so glad to share it with everyone else. I have been working on this book since 2008 and more concentrated in 2009 and 2010. This was one of the things my mother really wanted to see..... me achieve this goal.

It is done Mom.... wish you were here to see it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
It has been months.  I have taken some time to try and figure out where things in my life are headed and I still do not have a lot of the answers.  I do know more than I did before though and I am just beginning to see some of the light at the end of the tunnel; or should I say within the process of grief.  Step by step I am trying to find peace in life when so much has been lost in the last 8 months.  

I do not plan to write a sad blog as the update but I do think it is important for me to point out the incredible fog I am coming out of and trying to find my feet.  The book is coming a long, a much longer process than I previously anticipated but the editing is complete, copy editing is done, the front cover is designed, the back info on the cover is done and now just the binding and back cover design.  After that, the book is off to print. 

I am still working on the anthology and have not gotten as much response as I would have liked but am still outreaching for writers and people to get involved.  

the family is getting a little better.  Robert started grief counseling and Bubba has started school with a special needs program for psychological issues.  Kevin started his senior year and is playing football.  Jon has lost over 50 pounds and has gone down 6 inches in his pants size.  

School is going well, I have started statistics and a class on social problems.  I am in my junior year of school and it is going as well as can be expected.  I am looking forward to completing this degree so I can move on to the next.  

I have gotten back into a little bit of a routine with doing ritual, especially at home solitary.  I am getting back into the swing of connecting with the universe in spiritual ways.  I am looking at taking a new local student on and figuring out how to move forward with life both mundane and spiritual.  

I am looking forward to finding some more peace in all the chaos of this year and have a bit of hope right now.  I hope that I can stretch that into a larger chunk of the day.... day after day.... one day at a time.

May you all be blessed and I promise not to wait to long next time.

Monday, May 31, 2010
I really needed this four day weekend. It was really special and awesome. Friday Jon and I spent some quality time with just Robert, went to Fuddruckers for lunch and took Robert to see the new Shrek. We had a blast and he felt really special and he should because he is. It was a wonderful present.... but it didn't stop there.

My husband spent a lot of time planning the perfect birthday for me, he did a great job! Saturday we woke up early, finished doing some cleaning and set off for our adventure. We went to Emeryville, did some shopping, ate lunch and then checked into the hotel. We chilled and had some great conversation prior to getting ready for taking BART to the city. We got there with about 20 minutes to spare and took a host of pics outside of the theatre. The play was absolutley outstanding and both of us were completely amazed. After the play we grabbed some food and went back to the hotel for a night of relaxation and fun.

The next morning we hung out in the hotel and then went to lunch at Chevy's. We had some really good conversation and spent our time talking about the future planning for the family. After lunch we went to go see Date Night at the movies prior to driving home.

It was really nice to get away and have a weekend focused on what we wanted to do. It was much needed and something we so needed to do to sustain our relationship. Not to imply that we are bad because we are not, but so much focus has gone on everyone else that we have neglected ourselves in this process.

There are a lot of things that we both know we have to do to keep our mental health in all of the chaos of 2010 and one of those things include finding time for just us. This was a valuable lesson and one I plan on making sure we can do.

Jon and I have taken on a lot of responsibility in the last months and while others play we are always working to either pay the bills or raise this family. What I remembered this weekend is that this incredible journey we have been left to pick up the pieces from entitles us to more of a break than those who have the fun without the responsibility.

Our family deserves parents and guardians who are happy and that is my mission to make it so. And in the words of Wicked.....

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!

Sunday, May 09, 2010
Sometimes work sucks and people suck more. Interesting to me how people can take hard work as a sign of something personal against them, I will never understand that. The reoccuring ridiculousness I have dealt with at work for the last three years resurfaced this week from what seems like nothing and yet I am so tired of dealing with it. My story is not unlike others who love their jobs and yet have to deal with people who don't have the job or the others around them best interest at hand. I left work on Friday discouraged, depressed, upset, irate and frustrated. I work way to hard for that.

So Saturday at the Pagan Festival in Berkeley I attempted to shed the bullshit from the day before and have a nice day out in the sun among my spiritual people. It was nice to be out and walking around, listening to the music, seeing the people and enjoying the sights. Randomly a lady walked up to me and said, "wanna pick a tarot?". I hesitated at first but thought, "why not".

I picked out a card and she took it from my hands and smiled. She said to me that I had picked the five of swords. She discussed the battle I am dealing with where people around me seem to be going out of their way to create problems. She talked about how part of the problem is that I am right and they KNOW I am right. She discussed how I might have to just take that and know that while also trying to help them save face by basically throwing my hands up. It made so much sense. I wish I could remember everything else she said, it was right on target.

With that being said, I think I now have some more insight into how I am going to proceed with this roadblock. Thank the Gods for the lady in white with the little wider waite tarot deck.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Things are hard and will be for a long time with the grief we are coping with. Things don't always feel right and most of the time they don't. So one of the things I am trying to do is celebrate the great things since the bad things have felt so all encompassing lately.

I am very excited about finishing my article for the Pagan Writers Press call for submissions for an upcoming anthology. I am excited about submitting and hoping it will be accepted.

I got my eye's tested and new glasses, took Robert to get his eye's tested and he has new glasses, finished homework for the last week, got my first article published as the Oakland Pagan Examiner and started writing another one. I have also finished a large part of the revamp of the Touch of amethyst site that highlights my weekly tarot readings. I am trying to have the things I am doing that are positive stay on the surface so I am not just looking at what is not feeling good.

I have also been spending some quality time with Robert reading at night. We have had some fun and it has felt good just being with him.

So now I am preparing for Beltane and hopefully something with the family to celebrate. We shall see how that goes.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I think of the rain this year as a welcomed cleansing of the year so far.  So much pain and sadness this year that the mother is crying for the pain of her children.  And in her pain, her tears have the power to wash away the hurt.... to see to a renewed spring that is to come.  

As I remember the incredible losses that I have had this year, and those pains that I know others are dealing with as well, I can only be thankful that the mother is listening and responding.  Her gift will bring about more gifts in the coming season and for this I am ever so grateful.

May we all relish in the opportunity to cleanse it away, plant our seeds and watch them grow.  May Yemaya lace her tears with compassion and unconditional love so that we may all feel the relief of the rain that comes from the sky.

Blessed Be

Monday, March 29, 2010

Call for Writers– Shades of Faith; minority voices within Paganism

Email for inquiries and submissions: 

Megalithica Books, an imprint of Immanion Press (Stafford, U.K./Portland, OR, U.S.A) is seeking submissions for an anthology on people of color working in magical communities.  This anthology will be an opportunity to get the voices and experiences of minorities within the Pagan community out to the world and address some of the challenges, stereotyping, frustrations and the beauty of being different within the racial construct of typical Pagan or Wiccan groups. These communities include (but are not limited to) groups and individuals working in Wicca, Voodoo, Umbanda, Shaman, and other Pagan paths.

Many of the roots of Paganism have come from the lands of people of color yet the mainstreaming of Wicca has elevated images of worship and deity that connect with Celtic, Greek or Roman cultures.  This can have an exclusive effect on those who's culture or ancestry fall outside of those categories.  Interestingly enough people of color within Paganism are often walking between the worlds of their birth ancestry and culture and that of their spiritual culture.  This anthology is an opportunity to share your stories and experiences with others around being a minority in our spiritual community.

Here are some suggested topics to give you an idea of the focus of this anthology.

Your experience of integration into the Pagan community

Magical work 

Ancestor work

Integrating your birth culture with your spiritual workings

Personal experiences and thoughts around how being of color within the Pagan community was significant.
What magical work are you doing now? How do you describe it? Do you work alone, in a group, or in several settings? 

Your birth culture and spiritual workings

Stereotypes and prejudice
Being the only person of color in a coven, group or community

Sharing your culture and history with other Pagans

Cultural history

Sub-culture of African Americans, Hispanics or other minority groups within Wicca or Paganism.

Is there a sense of acceptance within the magical community you work in? Do you encounter resistance in your magical community or acceptance? 

What do you feel is needed to be more inclusive of racial diversity in Pagan communities

Rough drafts are due July 15, 2010. These drafts will be edited in a back-and-forth process with the editor. Essays should be 1500-4000 words, although if your work falls outside those limits, do submit it – we can discuss this during the editing process. Drop us an email if you are unsure whether your idea fits into the content. The sooner you start the communication process the better, as after the deadline we won't be considering additional ideas.

Essay requirements:
• Citations for all quoted, paraphrased, or otherwise unoriginal material
• Bibliography of works cited
• Prefer APA format

Do write in your voice! If you're academically inclined or trained, feel free to be as intelligent and technical as you like. If your work entirely talks in the first person about your own experience, please include this also. There is a wide range of voices, and we are interested in being as inclusive of style as possible.

Accepted contributors will receive a free copy of the anthology when it is published and additional copies sold at 40% off the cover price to contributors. All contributors will be provided with a contract upon final acceptance of their essays, not when they are accepted for editing. If your essay is not accepted for the anthology, we will tell you after the first round of edits.

The anthology will be edited by Crystal Blanton. She is the author of an upcoming pagan/occult nonfiction book called Bridging the Gap; Working Within the Dynamics of Pagan Groups and Society. She may be found online at and her email address for this anthology is .

Immanion Press is a small independent press based in the United Kingdom. Founded by author Storm Constantine, it expanded into occult nonfiction in 2004 with the publication of Taylor Ellwood's Pop Culture Magick. Today, Immanion's nonfiction line, under the Megalithica Books imprint, has a growing reputation for edgy, experimental texts on primarily intermediate and advanced pagan and occult topics. Find out more at

I am reading a book right now called Pop Culture Magick by Taylor Ellwood and there have been some interesting thoughts that I have had in this journey.  For those who do not know, my mom and I watched all the seasons of Buffy together in a short period of time.  I had always avoided watching Buffy because it seemed cheesy but one day I thought...... I wanna see.

So my mom and I got the episodes from Netflix last year and watched them back to back, becoming hooked.  We laughed at the silliness and enjoyed the stories.  Most of all we enjoyed this together and it was something that the two of use shared.... it was our inside joke of sorts.

When my mom got hurt, I took season 1 to the hospital and played it in the room for her.  After reading this book, I am wondering about using those connections to design a ritual of sorts to help support my healing.  It is a fun thought and I think I will consider playing with it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
It is so interesting how words can be the catalyst to connection or the hammer of destruction.  It is so much easier to find the words to express anger than to express fear, concern, sadness, confusion or any other emotion that can feel so vulnerable.  I am sure there are many reasons why this is like this but I think one of the main reasons from a spiritual sense is that anger responses are reactionary in nature.  When we are angry we are not filtering other information, we are responding to the anger.

This process can (notice I said can) bypass the spiritual processing system each person sets up for his or herself.  As we all know, this makes things complicated.  Anger is a natural response, it is not always a natural response to process before action.  I watch this all the time; sometimes with others and sometimes with myself.

As discussed in The Four Agreements, words are powerful.  We write these contracts with ourselves without even knowing it.  We set up these shadow agreements on how we deal with certain situations, how to respond, who we are and who we are not.  We unintentionally build bridges towards successful connections with ourselves and others or we tear the bridges down to crumbles.  

These shadow agreements, contracts, thoughts or even traps, if you will, are dangerous.  They put parameters in our lives that stop growth and block the beautiful parts of life from getting too close.    Part of getting blessings or love in your life is by opening yourself to the possibilities of receiving it.  If your shadow agreements are blocking your blessings, consider what you are losing in your battle to stay safe.  

Once you are able to accept that you are blocking your blessings, you might have an easier time finding words to allow them back in.

May we all be so blessed.
Friday, March 12, 2010
So often we get into the habit of wanting things from the God and Goddess.  Things come up, a need or desire, and it is almost automatic that a call goes out to the Gods and the Universe.  It is not as automatic to think about what we are doing in exchange for the support and blessings in which we are asking for.  As we are considering all the blessings that come our way, we need to remember that the connection of all things will dictate that something else sacrifices in order to fulfill our desires.  Honoring that sacrifice can be just as important as honoring the things that we receive. 

I am in the process of grieving and needing divine support to enhance the support I am getting from my loved ones.  I have not always thought about the shifting of balance that happens when I am asking for my needs to be met by the universe.  As things continue to occur I am reminded of this factor in the balance of life and remembering that those things are just as important to me as the things I need.  The exchange that happens in the ultimate balance is praise worthy.  Our relationships with Deity are like those we have with our family and friends.  It is an exchange and nothing is free.... nothing is without sacrifice.

When we honor the Gods, lets honor the totality of the things that they encompass.  We cannot have one side without the other.  Honor the giving as you are taking and support the continuous shift within the universe.  Say a prayer for those things that are without so that you can be with.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It is important to acknowledge the feelings that you have, it is the energy that you are radiating to the universe whether you acknowledge that or not.  Going into the spring is a perfect time to pay attention to what is coming up for you and find ways to cope with those things we cannot control.  Many of us are coming out of the dark half of this past year with scars and bruises.

Feelings of abandonment are natural.  Whether we are feeling this around physical loss of someone, loss of energy, friends, connections, jobs, housing or even illness; loss is layered with feeling abandoned.  It is not uncommon to even feel abandoned by the Gods at times.  Again, this is normal.  

It can be instinctual to retreat when feeling these feelings, even to hide from some of the growth that we know is inevitable.  If you are anything like me, I get these moments of fear around change and growth.  Change is unpredictable and growth means so many things to so many people but resisting change could create friction that only adds to the intensity of it.

Sometimes we have to accept that change is constant and most other things are not.  Friendships may come and go, people transition, new opportunities come, obstacles appear and only some connections last forever.  As heart wrenching as this can be it is what makes us human.  Our challenge is not dealing with the feelings of abandonment we feel but pushing past them to find a better opportunity or change for growth.  

As I am trying to do in my life, I encourage you to push past the fear you may be feeling as we go into the balance of the equinox and use that to sustain your spirit.  Without this hope can easily die and that is the greatest type of abandonment of all.

Monday, February 22, 2010
I have been thinking for a while of what to write and what to say.  I have resigned myself to the fact that there are no words to express what I have seen or gone through in the last month since my mother's accident.  The world as I have known it has gone away in a blaze of flames that consumed my mother's life and my sense of security.  My mother has always been my rock, she was consistent in her love for me and always supported me in finding the layers of my being.  I cannot remember a time when she told me she would disown me for my thoughts or actions.  She wanted me to find myself and be who I am, live my life with honesty and integrity.  I honor her sheer ability to pass that on to me.

I am not sure how to continue to move throughout my life without her by my side, she was such a part of me..... and I was such a part of her.    My son completed her.  It has been so strange to hear everyone's tales of how she adored me so much.  I always knew she loved me, a lot, but never all the other things.   I saw her do that over Robert and never knew that she did that to me as a child too.  She had such love.  She was so beautiful.

I am ashamed at how much I took her for granted.  She was always such s trooper that I just adapted to her being super woman.  I told her I loved her everyday but now it just doesn't seem like it was enough.  I wish I could have said it more.  I wish I could tell her thank you for every single thing she did for my family, every value she taught, every meal she cooked, every pick up from school, every diaper she changed, every page of homework she helped with, every hug she gave, every floor she mopped, every smile she smiled and every load of laundry she did.  There just isn't enough time to say enough thank yous. 

I believe in the powers of the universe to make things right and to take care of her.  I just have to believe that she is ok and that I will live to my fullest potential, that my family will live to it's fullest potential. 

May the Gods love and protect us all.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I knew that this moment would forever change my life. I got that phone call and it was in that moment that I realized life would never be the same, much like when I got that phone call in 1996 or when I saw her in 2001. I always knew that life was full of the unexpected, the events that build character and stories to write about but not like this, not now and definatly not her.

My mother has always been the soul behind my life. She has been the one constant in a sea of chaos within this world that always has been the source of so much of my pain. Watching her on the bed with her swollen face, burned skin and lifeless body; I realize that once again my life is about to forever change.

My son's face tells the story of the painful event; one full of fear and terror. With swollen eyes and dripping tears he says to me, "when I saw her, it was like my heart broke into a million pieces and fell to my stomach". I looked into the eyes of this broken hero standing before me; feeling guilty in the knowledge that I was grateful he saved my mother's life despite the trauma it has caused him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head, knowing the memory of that moment would forever change his life.

How do you tell a hero that the pictures in his head that continue to cause so much pain is a story of bravery, the markings of a true warrior? The images don't fade after everyone forgets and walks away. The imaginary memories I hold of my mom's suffering will forever haunt my thoughts but my son's memories are real and etched into his mind, holding that moment like a bookmark in time; constantly reminding him of how everything in his world was now different; tarnished and forever changed.

The days blend into one another and the clock continues to tick without realization of it's impact. Every moment that passes holds a delicate hope, a wishful conclusion, a dream. I sit in the purple chair within the white sterile room with green gloves on my hands dreaming of a time when I might hear her voice, hold her in my arms or kiss her face. Looking over her body I just see pain and sadness; eyes that cannot focus on my face, a mouth that cannot smile, tubes that prevent her from speaking my name and a wrinkle in her forehead that shows her worry and fear. As the tears leak from her confused eyes I know she is afraid and must be thinking about how one moment, one task, one meal, one shirt, one day, one moment, one action.... has drastically changed her life.

What do you say when you can't take away the pain, remove the fear, wind back the clock or step into her shoes to relieve her from this moment? I can say nothing. I can do nothing. I can only hope that the next moment is her choice, that she can chose to forever change her life again …...and live.

Sunday, January 03, 2010
As the wheel turns and 2009 fades in the dust, 2010 shows us an open road.... another opportunity to move forward.  The road blocks of the previous year vanish and miraculously the road is clearer and the path allows for turns that were not open before. 

I am working towards setting a course for the next decade, one of abundance and love.  If I am working towards in setting my intentions then I must believe that I am the key in setting this into manifestation.  It is the simple rituals our energy performs that can set the course before we are conscious enough to know ourselves.  If I cannot believe that I have the power to set my course then my energy will continuously send out that message to the universe. 

Instead I am going to push a new energy this year that is full of possibilities and see where it may lead.  May you do the same.
Blessed Be!

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Hubbie and I

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